english window


In the year 1991, I had designed a commemorative work in the context of the unsustainable situation on the Zurich Platzspitz, worldwide called "Needle Park" , titled "Fixer" . It was carved in crystalline marble and measures 10' /2.5' /2.5' feet. The sculpture had been put up on the occasion of a demonstration in autumn 1991 on the Zurich Platzspitz, and had in turn caused quite a sensation. On the suggestion of the cultural advisory committee of the princely Liechtenstein Government, the figure had been placed in Vaduz in 1993, and there too it gave reason for great excitement. It has been removed multiple times and at last placed in a landfill site, whereafter it received temporary asylum by a retired Liechtenstein frontier guard. Subsequently, a private collector from Winterthur purchased the sculpture and in 2003, loaned it to ARUD, an organization who provides the safe using of drugs, to place it briefly again on the Zurich Platzspitz as part of their 10th anniversary celebration. Today, the Fixer stands in a private park in Winterthur.

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