english window

Destruction of Mammals

I have presented this work for the first time in a sculpture exhibition on a science college area in Wohlen, Switzerland. A wood construction of dimension 16' /9' /16' feet built in precarious manner is the support and casing for two pieces of work which are suspended and one fixed on the stage.


The installation, put up in the precincts of the science classroom of the college, questions the design/development of the concept of sexuality of mammals. It intends to analyze our language, which is our intermediary for all understanding and recognition, for its biased content. This is because in English, French and Italian, the mammals are connoted in a very noticeably sexual manner by the significants Mammal, Mamifères and Mammiferos.


With its inscribed motherliness, the work treads on a dialog, and opens up the arena of conflict.

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